Bay of Pigs 1.0 - Patch Notes


- Added an app logo for the game

- Added loading screen functions to multiple sections of the game

- Replaced all cutscenes with new and polished ones

- Fully implemented the English-Spanish translation as an optional settings

- Reworked all the font types to be correlating

- Re-aligned all interfaces to fit better on more mobile devices

- Backend reworks and optimizations for the game to run better on mobile devices

- Multiple backend minor bug fixes

Main Menu

- Added the Game's Conclusion / Outro cutscene. Only triggers when both missions are completed.

- Fully Replaced the credits menu

- Replaced the main splash screen with a new background

- Added rotating animations to the mission select buttons

- Added the ability to skip the “mission selected” cutscene when you select either mission

Land Mission

- Added sound effects for the "Tank & Dots" and "Match 2 Cards" minigame

- Increased the lives in the minigames to make it easier

- Replaced the old NPC with 3 new model variants

- Updated the NPC animations to be more reactive when visiting the points of interest

- Updated the intro tutorial prompt that better explains what to do

- Updated the tutorial prompt to now disable when you begin moving

- Re-aligned the gameplay UI to fit more mobile screens better

- Slightly adjusted the grenade texture

- Slightly adjusted the truck texture

- Slightly adjusted the Tank & Dots joystick to be easier to use

- Disabled the ability to replay a minigame (requires major logic rework).

    - Replaying minigames might be reimplemented at a future date.

- Adjusted the environmental volume fade out when playing the post-land mission cutscene

- Fixed the pause button causing the minigame to start during the minigame's preview

- Fixed the crosshair being visible when playing a minigame or inspecting an artifact

- Fixed the ammo box not having the proper position anchor when inspecting

- Fixed the tank's engine sound not being played when near or inspecting it

- Multiple backend minor bug fixes and adjustments for a better experience.

Sea Mission

- Added more Blagar ships in the background/sidelines

- Added a visual countdown timer to the "Return to Combat" pop up

- Coral clumps are now randomly spawned rather than in a fixed position

- Replaced the explosion sphere with a new water explosion particle effect

- Extended the "Return to Combat" timer to 10 seconds (it used to be 5 seconds).

- Fixed the explosion zone (ring) sometimes spawning in the air

- Multiple backend minor bug fixes and adjustments for better experiences

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